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OCB Shamrock Cup Classic

  • Only Spray Tanner allowed on site
  • Multiple coats based on division
  • Base coats done at host hotel Friday
  • Back-stage touch ups-order of events (not by appointment)
  • Add drying powder application for $10!
  • $185 if paying with credit card to cover processing fees and taxes


Base Tans will be done on Friday March 22, 2024 at the HOST HOTEL.




Holiday Inn Portsmouth: 300 Woodbury Ave
Portsmouth, NH 03801

Before your Tan:

-WE DO NOT RECOMMEND tanning beds to obtain a base color. If you choose to do so, DO NOT BURN. Peeling cannot be fixed.  –

-If you are fair skinned we recommend getting a regular spray tan two days before your competition for a base.

-Our Competition Tan includes full coverage (we do not “count” the number of coats)

-Skin Preparation Instructions :

-For BEST results, gently exfoliate one to two weeks before the competition with a home-made mixture of baking soda, clarifying shampoo, and EXFOLIATING GLOVES. Or purchase our All Natural Sugar Exfoliating Sugar Scrub here.  Be sure to moisturize your body well during these two weeks (Exfoliating gloves/towel can be bought at Target, Walmart, CVS, or Amazon).

-Do Not moisturize or put any other products on your body the day prior and the day of your tan. The homemade shower baking soda mix is okay and only needs to done 1 time prior. NO DEODORANT, PERFUME, ETC.  You may use soap ONLY for your private area and underarms. *Ladies- if you must wash and condition your hair, please gently exfoliate your back to remove any conditioner residue. (This also applies to after shaving.)

-Do not use any type of Dove brand soap or bar soap a week before your competition. Our Luxury Spray Tan Safe Body Wash is available for purchase.

-Shave at least 24 hours before your spray tan, and all waxing completed at least 72 hours minimum prior if you're accustomed to waxing. Otherwise, wax 7-10 days before your spray tan appointment. (This also includes hair removal creams like Nair) Waxing is not recommended.

-Men it is recommended you shave your entire body. Ladies you only need to shave parts of your body that you already shave. Not necessary to shave arms/back. Our BODY WASH is perfect to double as shaving cream.

-Come to tan with clean, dry skin wearing OVER-SIZED soft long sleeve buttoned/snapped down top and OVER-SIZED soft polyester like blend sweatpants/ PJs. (Kohl's, Marshalls, Walmart or Target sells pjs that work perfect) Large long sleeve and pants pajamas are great. A rob will be helpful to throw on for comp day.  “Over-sized” means much larger than what you normally would wear. If it is your own clothing it will be too tight.  Please borrow or purchase clothing a few sizes up! Do not bring zip up sweatshirts. The zipper leaves marks. Men's Example Click Here 
Ladies' Example Click here

-Men’s bodybuilding/classic physique: please bring a sock to cover their genitals.

Men’s physique can just bring old briefs.

Reusable C-Strings/Cookie Cover  available for purchase for men and women ($10.00)

-Once your color is applied, You CANNOT shave or shower, book a photo shoot, practice posing OR try on posing suit, or other clothing while the product is developing.

-DO NOT put on any make-up, deodorant, perfume/cologne before or after your spray tan application. These products will raise the skin's ph and turn your arm pits and body green! Make-up can be applied the morning of your event. It is recommended that you take a damp face cloth or makeup wipe and remove the sunless bronzer BEFORE applying your make-up.

-Do not wear any RED.

-AVOID tight tops that you pull over your head! Continue to wear extremely loose clothing. Shirts with tight collars can scratch the tan on your chest Do Not Wear Jeans or zippered tops!

-The spray tanning session takes about 60 minutes.

-Be cautious of purses, bags, seatbelts, over your shoulder messing up the tan.

-After your color has been applied, you will sleep in your long, loose, over-sized clothing until the morning. This will eliminate any accidental hand marks on your body during sleep. DO NOT SLEEP IN THE NUDE, short sleeves or shorts! DO NOT SHOWER UNTIL AFTER your event! No skin to skin contact! Sleeping with the air conditioning on will help you to not sweat in your sleep.


-DO NOT schedule a photo shoot the same day as your spray tan.

Competitors scheduled with Golden Standard Spray Tans assume ALL risk to any hotel property  (Please  bring an extra set of sheets and towels shower curtain etc.) as well as their own property.

ABSOLUTELY NO drops of water can get on your tan. Be careful when drinking and urinating

-Ladies once you are sprayed you will most likely not be able to wash your hair so plan around that.

-Be mindful of the weather.  If rain is predicted bring umbrella, rainboots/ loose footwear that won't get your feet wet,  rain jacket, rain resistant pants etc.  Absolutely no rain can touch any part of your skin.

-We do our best to remain on schedule but it is easy to run 15-20 minutes behind due to varying drying times. Please check in for your tan and understand that there may be a 15-20 minute wait.

-Please allow an hour for the tanning process start to finish.

Post Tan/ Morning of Competition Instructions

Touch ups will be done BACKSTAGE, Saturday, March 24, 2024. NO appointment necessary. 

-Touch ups will be done backstage. No booking necessary.   We will touch up competitors in the order of the events.

Please get your touch ups done BEFORE 12 NOON. Do not wait until the end of the day.

Please allow at least 30-45 minutes before you think you will go on stage to get your touch-ups.  We are not responsible for your timing but we will make sure your tan is flawless if you allow us the proper time.

-Please have jewelry removed.  It is easier to touch up without your suit on. Bring suit with you to touch up to put on after.

-Women: Gently wipe face in the morning with a makeup wipe/or slightly damp cloth (carefully not to get any water on your tan). It gives ladies a clean face for makeup the morning of your competition.


-Do not apply deodorant!  Before, during, or after tan. YOU WILL TURN GREEN.

-Sleeping Apparel: Cotton or polyester blend jammies or long sleeve t-shirts and knit bottoms are deal. DO NOT SLEEP NUDE. Do not wear clothing with buttons or zippers that touch skin. They will leave marks!

- Ladies, make sure you are finished bending, squatting down and sitting before you come to us to get bikini bite.

-Pump up somewhat before coming up to be glazed/oiled.

-Be cautious going to the bathroom not to ruin your tan.

-Do not wash your hands until AFTER your competition.   Use wet wipes on your palms if necessary.

C-String "Cookie Cover" $10

c string black golden standard spray tans

C-String/ "Cookie Covers" will be available for purchase the day of your tan. These REUSABLE covers are great for modestly as well as avoiding tan lines!

All Natural Sugar Scrub $25


Available for purchase though our online store, or local delivery.

The all natural sugar scrub is perfect in the days/ weeks leading up to your competition to ensure a beautiful clean canvas of skin for the tan to be applied.

Over the counter scrubs can leave a residue on your skin.

Available for purchase though our online store, or local delivery.

The all natural sugar scrub is perfect in the days/ weeks leading up to your competition to ensure a beautiful clean canvas of skin for the tan to be applied.

Over the counter scrubs can leave a residue on your skin.

Meet your spray tan team


Ryann Healy

Spray Tan Technician

Ryann has been spraying for over five years, and started Golden Standard Spray Tans out of her love and passion for sunless competition tans. With professionalism, attention to detail, reliability,  and experience Golden Standard Spray Tans sets itself apart as the best spray tan in Manchester, NH.

Ryann is a professional WNBF women's bodybuilder and has mastered the art of competition tans.


Meghan Healy

Spray Tan Technician

Meghan has been spraying with Golden Standard Spray Tans for more than five years.  Along with her sister, Ryann, they have developed a reputation for providing the best competition spray tans.  Meghan will make you feel calm and ready as she pays attention to every fine detail.

Meghan is a WNBF women's bikini professional and has years of experience with competition tanning.

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